Friday 5 July 2019

Little Secrets About Tree Planting

By Carl Taylor

Every one of us knows that we have a limited life span here on this world and our future generation would be the ones who will inherit it. Whether we want to be remembered or not depends entirely on the person, yet the fact remains that what we do now to our earth will either make it sustainable or not for our children to live in the future. This is perhaps one of the missions and visions of a tree fresno organization set up in Los Angeles that had remarkably transformed a barren area into a paradise.

Trees are essential in our daily lives, as it is from them that we draw in oxygen while they take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If this is to be done by every country, you could imagine an ecosystem capable of sustaining life to its fullest. One of the developing countries in the world today have made it a law for those who are about to graduate from college to plant a certain number of trees before the big day.

If a government is able to do it, such moves could be replicated by different organizations. We could imagine barren hills and mountains being transformed from brown colored to green carpeted ones. We need to understand that trees help us to be one with nature itself and even walking or hiking there can have therapeutic effects on the persons.

To say that such thing can have health benefits is actually very true and furthermore the rewards are far more numerous. As it can provide an avenue for trekking or hiking, you got to exercise a lot of your muscles in doing so. Some people would even like to rest with their backs on the trees because they believe that its energy would be transferred to them.

We are in this world to be the stewards of the bounty it offers, not just the users or sometimes we can aptly call exploiters. It is the responsibility of every person to take care of the environment, and one of these initiatives is to propagate the growth of these trees. We need to teach every person that living in a green world is an important sign that we are also caretakers of this world.

These often times green colored leafy organisms are the powerful carbon dioxide absorbers as they needed it to process food, and they release oxygen on which we breathe. If we do not plant enough of them, it would be breathing then with a noose in the neck. If we do not act now, this could tighten and we might not be able to gulp air anymore.

Landslides are a common occurrence in a steeply inclined hill or a mountain, and the presence of trees would not make it possible because the roots act as an anchor by holding the soil. Moreover, much of the cascading water from rain would be trapped into their roots, so we can heave a sigh of relief whenever we heard a loud crack of thunder signaling rain is coming.

Planting are seen as a noble activity since it takes an amount of time and effort to go to a site to do such thing. But the effects are long lasting, as you will inhale a clean air, you have water contained at your area and it can beautify the surroundings. If we do something like that even once or more in our lifetime, we can be assured that the life we know and enjoy will be continued on the descendants.

The saying goes that it takes years to cut a tree but only seconds to cut one, and this is essentially a reality that haunts us even to this day. When we do this, we are losing an ally that could help us with our existence in this world. If you can make a positive change to our mindset, perhaps now is the right time before everything else would be too late.

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