Saturday 11 July 2015

Wiccan Rituals To Improve Your Life

By Jana Serrano

You are a product of habits, which are in turn the result of repetitive behavior. Thus, you need Wiccan rituals to improve your life. Positive ones that are exclusively beneficial. We can learn to cultivate them and in no time they will crush the old ones - shove them out the door to make room for the new.

A personal ritual is important because through it, you are able to reconnect with yourselves. In this fact-paced world, people tend to be caught up in deadlines and long to do lists. Good habits force us to relax and get ourselves together to be more efficient.

Starting a ritual is difficult. People think that it is a waste of time. This article will break that misconception and help you find your own ritual for a better lifestyle.

Think and ask yourself how you cope with stress. Some, it can be simple as drinking water. Others go for a walk or go shopping. These activities are forms of rituals and you are not just aware of it. However, we do not aim to burn a hole in your pocket by encouraging retail therapy or damaging your lungs through smoking. Rituals must be frugal and healthy - saving you money and your sanity as well.

Write down your observations if it helps. Use your mobile phone. Track your patterns and note your discoveries. If the bad habit rears its ugly head, squelch it by reverting to another, better one. Get in a new mindset, using focused meditation, and enjoy the results. Turning a habit into a ritual is a very positive thing.

Self-improvement comes from self-awareness, so this is no idle exercise. It works. Revise your plan if you must, but keep it going. Notice how it benefits your life and impacts relationships. Notice how it creates a better you. Don't dwell on the bad, but only the good. Work to permanently change your consciousness.

Always have an eye out for the beneficial. What will change your life for the better? Make it a possible and plausible experience and you won't fail. Don't let stress be a trigger for the bad. Alleviate it with the good, such as relaxation and meditation.

Choose your ritual carefully. Make sure it is doable even if you are not stressed. A good ritual does not take stress as a trigger. You must dedicate a more consistent trigger such as a time of the day. This way, with or without stress, you can reset and relax for the day.

Your ritual should not take up much of your time. It must not also be difficult to set up. Else, you will be stressing on it and will defeat the purpose. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a five minute cat video viewing on YouTube. It can be looking for an inspiring quote and putting it on Facebook every 5 pm before you leave work.

The most challenging part is how to make your ritual a habit. They say that 21days of doing something transforms it into a habit. You may do this. In addition, you can solicit the help of a friend and both of you can support each others ritual. There is strength in numbers. The more people are involved, the higher chances of success.

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