Friday 28 March 2014

Follow Your Dream With Acting Classes In Los Angeles

By Luisa Sharpe

It's almost unheard of for an actor to achieve overnight fame. Most of today's biggest movie and television stars got where they are only through years of struggling and very hard work. The secret is not to give up but many big-name actors also got a head start by taking acting classes in Los Angeles.

Being a good actor requires more than just talent or a pretty face. Just like a talented pianist has to take lessons to learn different techniques and then practice every day before he or she can become a concert pianist, you need to hone your skills as an actor. Good actors have learned and perfected the different techniques suited to the different genres of acting.

An example of the type of training you'd need is knowing how to adjust your technique according to the medium. On stage, the audience can't really appreciate your facial expressions unless these are quite exaggerated. Using these over-the-top expressions for a film close-up would look silly, however. In fact, a good film actor can convey a thought or an emotion with the smallest movement of facial muscles.

Other important aspects of your training are stage fighting and physical movement. You also need to learn how to use your voice properly. This not only means that you'll learn how to project so that the audience can hear you when you're on stage. It also means that you'll learn how to speak clearly rather than mumbling like Marlon Brando.

People who just stumble into a career as an actor without any training are often very limited in their scope. With training, you learn everything from comic timing to how to cry on demand. You learn how to act in comedies, dramas, musicals, Shakespearean plays and action films, so you have a wider range as an actor and can choose from more roles.

A good drama school will also help you to prepare for life as an actor. You'll find out how to ace auditions, how to apply stage make-up, how to take care of your voice, and so on. You'll also learn about other aspects of the industry, such as lighting, sound and camera techniques as well as publicity.

A great thing about acting classes is that they're very practice oriented. As part of your training you'll get to perform in actual productions, from stage shows to student films. This allows you to build on your resume. In addition, casting agents sometimes attend these school performances and if you impress them, your big break may come sooner than you could have imagined.

Of course your chances of being spotted by a casting agent are bigger if you attend drama school right there where the action is. Los Angeles is the perfect place to learn acting because this is where the television and film industries are based. Most of the institutions where you'll be able to take acting classes in the city are located in or near Hollywood.

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