Thursday 10 November 2011

Become a Train Tycoon in Your Own Living Room

By Frank Keenan

There are hobby shops that showcase model train railroads for public viewing and amazement. And if you have seen one on some shops or in a friend?s house, you just can?t help but be blown away by the sheer grandeur of its complexities. Technical question will arise and before you know it, you are building one in your own living room floor. Making model train railroads are a rising trend in the hobby and leisure department especially for men. Building your own empire is now within one?s fingertips.

An artistic and operating masterpiece right before your very eyes can be very exciting. Friends, family and even your children can chip in too, making the whole experience even more meaningful. It?s a great source of bonding time and brings enjoyment to everyone when the operating day comes. It is more enthralling witnessing the success of the model train railroad project knowing you built it together. It?s a de-stressor too after a long day at work. There are basically three important things you need to consider at the start of your model train railroad design and planning.

Theme The theme is essential in building your model train railroad for it sets the materials you will need and utilize on the later part. Deciding on your railroad?s purpose can be tricky. There are several magazines that provides multitude of choices for your project. They have settings that you can copy for your own model train railroad, could be specific or general. You have the power to spruce up your empire or keep it simple.

Scale This where most model train railroad enthusiasts gets stuck. The scale you will use refers to the ratio between the measurements of your model to the prototype you are mimicking. The size of trains you want in your project depends on the space you have, your budget, your preference on the train whether longer or shorter, and of course, you?re talent and dexterity in dealing with minute engines on exclusively minute tracks. The theme plays a role in what scale to choose, if you have a theme that emphasizes the scenery more, you?ll have a smaller train and vice versa.

Display Showing off and operating your model train railroad is probably the most exciting part. Is this project for sole viewing only or do you have friends that are helping you out and are equally excited with viewing as well? Is it for your children or grandchildren? Will it be a part of an exhibit in a club layout? Are you building a small scene so you could sell it in online? Also, limiting factors like time, space and cost considerations are also in play. Model train railroading is a versatile hobby that incorporates several disciplines such as, civil and mechanical engineering, electrical wiring, and painting, airbrushing and using different types of materials to build structures, scenery and terrain. A project the transforms an individual into a jack of all trades as one labors to create his empire.

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